Have you ever wondered, how heinous, cruel or disgusting human beings can be. How mentally ill people can be, do not just think but actually do something that can just give you nightmares for weeks. Well if not then you’ll learn a lot by this case…
May, 1999:
A 14 year old girl walks to the police station in Honk Kong to report a crime, “She had been haunted by a ghost of a dead women, almost every night”. Her case wasn’t taken seriously as it was taken as a joke.
But this isn’t the ghost of some ordinary women, it was the ghost of the women tied up with electrical wires and tortured to death.
but the girl spurs the police to launch a full-scale investigation.
A women named Fan Man-Yee in Honk kong had a troubled childhood as she was abandoned and lived the life in an orphanage. and as mostly happens turns into one badperson and by the age of 15, she turned into a drug addict and to pay for her bills she chose prostitution. But by the start of her earl 20s she decided to make a change and leave her addiction and by the age of 23 she started to work as a hostess in a club to take care of her and her 1 year old child
She met a man named Chan Man-Lok, a 34 year old drug dealer, and in Fan again went back to the track of drugs and to pay bills she went to prostitution but refused to work for Chan Man Lok and rather decided to work on her own.
But due to her drug addiction and running low on money, fan made a fatal mistake that became the main reason of the story. She stole $4000 from Man Lok’s wallet. Man-Lok however quickly discovered the theft, and immediately contacted two of his personal thugs.
Their Plan was to
Kidnap her
Force to work for her until she pay every dollar back
And make her remain her personal employee for the rest of the life
Chan Man-Lok, Leung Shing-cho, and Leung Wai-lun kidnapped Fan one night and drove her to a far away abandoned apartment, tied her with electrical wires and began beating her.
But for some psychotic reason, Chan Man-Lok decided that simply beating her forcing her to pay off the debt by prostitution wasn’t enough thinking to make an example for other girls
when the case was taken to court in future, A court-appointed psychiatrist would later find that all of the men involved suffered from psycho-social behavior disorders, which explained what happened next.
She was kept tied every single day, wires starting to leave their impressions and cuts on her arms and legs and torturing her in new ways, sometimes iron rods and sometimes fists.
this case was so cruel that in Honk kong until that time, there was no other case that showed such cruelty, brutality, voilence by a human on a human
Most of the time she was tortured with fists and kicks until she loses consciousness or sometimes was wiped with electrical wires or beat her with iron rods until a few bones were cracked. Now if u think that was cruel enough, they also waited for her to gain consciousness then proceed to rub chilly power on her wounds.
But later those 3 guys got another helping hand. A 14 YEAR OLD GIRL, WHO WENT TO POLICE FOR THE GHOST SIGHTINGS was also one of the torturers, named Ah Fong also knows as the girlfriend of Chan Man Lok although she was also just one of his prostitutes. when fong went to meet Man Lok, she saw severely beaten Fan there and then watched Man Lok kick her in the head for 50 times and later on Man Lok Insistence she later joined Man Lok.
Some data states that for at least one time Fan was made to eat Fong’s waste. and sometimes, Fong would just watch then as the two men burn fan with the lighter, as a regular day. and after a month, Fan died. one statement states that Fan somehow gotten a hold of methamphetaines a.k.a meth drug and given herself an overdose.
But no body knows since there won’t be a body left to be examined
But some say she just died because of the wounds, blood loss and torture.
The 3 men dragged her body into the bathroom and started to dismember her parts with a saw, and planned to dispose her of in the trash, but they needed to avoid any suspicion from the smell of rotting flesh.
So, they came up with a brilliant plan of all times, they put her body parts in a pot and start to boil her on the same stove they cook their dinner on and once boiled, simply thrown into the garbage, but the head was kept for other plans.
Once all the parts were boiled, they started to boil her head until the skin was soft enough to peel off (they even used the same utensils they used to cook) once all the skin was removed, leaving a clean whitish yellowish skull, they stuck it inside a large Hello Kitty mermaid doll and sewed it back as a souvenir also with her teeth and some internal organs.
Later when Fong started seeing the aparations of Fan’s ghost, to confess her death, she went to the police. when Fong was with the police she elaborated the details of the torture of fan in exchange for a plea deal when she realized the day she saw fan in severe condition. she never knew the true motive but stated that it was for fun. At the started when fong was telling the complete massacre, at first police didn’t believed her as the story contained to much brutality that it almost seemed like a make up story and later during the investigation for the past, police kept most of the data hidden, so no one knows how deep was Fong actually involved.
Later when police went to the apartment to check for the story, they were shocked to see bags full of her boiled parts and a Hello Kitty Mermaid Doll with Fan’s skull sewed inside. And the very unsettling part was that the whole room was filled with hello kitty mermaid dolls.
Now, I know this story might looks a little too much, but believe me I got to skip a few a parts to follow the community guidelines of Medium
But hope you enjoyed todays story….
Peace Out…